Enugu state government roles out draft for the state’s climate policy and action plan.

The Enugu State Government in collaboration with the society for planet and prosperity held an inception workshop meeting and stalk holders engagement for the state climate policy and action plan today at the Old government lounge Enugu.

The commissioner for environment Prof, Sam C Ugwu during his opening remarks at the workshop, commended his Excellency the governor of Enugu State whom he said has shown deep interest in climate change by carving out part of the Ministry of environment to climate change which he said is one of the first of its kind.

Climate change has become a global challenge with its consequential impacts on livelihood and ecosystem distorting national and sub national socio-economic values and activities.

He said Enugu State and its economy is not left out of this negative and threatening impacts. We are witnesses to the changes in weather patterns such as usual variation in rainfall and dry seasons, increased frequency and intensity of flooding events with it’s impact in homes, farms, deep gully erosion that is splitting roads in halves and endangering lives and properties. In the face of all this challenges, climate change policy and action plans are essential in reducing and ameliorating situation.

He said the main aim of the project is to develop a framework that will help the state to mobilise and attract climate finance that can be used to build a resilient and prosperous future to the people of Enugu in the face of climate change.

The SA to the Governor on climate policy and sustainable development, Prof Chukwumerije Okereke said the ministry is aimed at using climate invasion to create a positive invasion that will help in positioning Enugu State as the leader in green energy generation and green development in line with the Governor’s disruptive innovation. He said climate change if properly approached will create jobs for the youths of the state. He said one of the key priority is how to leavage climate Finance to be able to create opportunities for green development and jobs for the people of the state and also to bulid climate resilience that will address the climate impact such as flooding, gully erosion, dought faced in the state.

The SSG earlier in his speech saidbthe state recognises the importance of collaboration in developing a state climate policy and action plan that not only meets our current needs but also safeguards the future for the generation to come.

He said the state climate policy will outline our vision for a climate resilient and green economy, the climate Action plan will serve as a framework guiding our actions today and in years to come.

The state is committed in reducing our carbon footprint and strengthen our eco- system, this includes investing in renewable energy sources, promoting energy efficiency, clean transportation, climate smart agriculture and adopting circular economic principles that mininizes waste and maximises resource use.

He said the vision of the state is for a vibrant ecosystem where startups and establishment companies alike collaborate to bring innovative solutions to environmental challenges, by leveraging our resources and the unique skills that our youths bring, we can position our state as a leader in the green economy in Nigeria

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